Monday, May 17, 2010

I was able to go to California for Mother's Day this year and spend some time with my sisters and mom. We got pedicures, went shopping, ate and ate and ate. It was so fun to spend some time with them. We are really good about getting our families together to let the kids see each other and usually try to spend the holidays together. But very rarely is it just us. It has been a long time since we have done that and all weekend I keep thinking, why do we not do this more often??? Hopefully this can become a tradition( hint hint)! I am so thankful for my family and any chance I get to hang out with them!

A family
is made of love and tears,
laughter and years.
It grows stronger
with the passing of time.
More precious
with the making of memories.

sometimes a family is made of ones
you don't like for a while.....
But you love for a life time.
It's a gift whose value is found
Not in numbers but in its capacity
to love.

It's the place you find
someone to encourage you.
believe in you.
Celebrate with you and comfort you.
A family is where your heart
feels most at home because you're
Always wanted, always welcomed,
Always needed,
Always Loved.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. for sure needs to be a new tradition. it was super fun to just have the 4 of us together. side note: look how we all have the same eyes and nose! even the adopted one looks like mom...!!!

  3. You girls are so awesome - I love sister get togethers! I think I just love a little girl time, since my house is filled with boys!! :)

  4. IM NOT ADOPTED JERK! Oh, and p.s. you guys are SHORT! LOL
