Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I love my girls!  Even though there is 5 years between these two little princesses, they adore each other.  Kate is constantly dressing Kennedy up and helping her put on shoes or lipstick or fingernail polish. Helping her wrap up her baby and stroller and we can't forget about the purse .  Kennedy follows Kate around and wants to do and have everything that Kate has and does!  I am so happy that they have each other. I am hoping that as they get bigger that their relationship will continue and that the age difference will not separate their love and fondness for each other.  I have two sisters that I didn't like following me around or doing what I was doing.  I was very good at bossing them around and making sure they knew who was in charge (what's changed, uh?)  I don't think that they have very fond memories of me when they were young . We seem to do better as adults, when they listen to me that is!  I just hope for my girls it doesn't take them until adult hood to figure out how sweet a sister relationship is. I can hope right!!  My sisters do not live her and our visit are far and few between , in that absence  I have had the awesome experience of  having girlfriends that I consider to be just as close as sisters!  They have helped me, listened to me, supported me, tolerated me! I also think that not having my sisters her has taught to value that relationship that much more and that I really do need them and want them around!  The older I get (and they will remind me that I am older), I have learned that family really does matter and those precious relationship are so valuable. So here's to all  my sista's!  I love ya, blood or not!

Monday, June 21, 2010


It was more like a Father's Day weekend! Jake flew in at 8:30 on Friday night and we flew off (well drove) at 9:30 - who leaves town at 9:30 at night - uh.... yeah we did! Loaded with 5, yes count them 1 - 2 - 3 - 4- 5 four wheelers, enough food for 3 days and lots of bug spray, we were headed to the Weiser Sand dunes. On Jake's many trips to and from Washington/Oregon, he sees these dunes from the freeway and salivates. We have a new craze in our family and it involves SAND and QUADS. Jake came home with a mini quad last camping trip and than two more little ones 2 weeks later. We went with 2 other families in our ward and had so much fun. Yes you read it right, I actually had fun camping. I only sweep 16 times, I showed some restraint. Of course I did not bring my camera (or a pair of shoes for Kennedy) so I don't actually have proof of the above, but my friend Pam did so I will have to get the pictures from her and post them.

Sunday was spent lazily on the couch - uh well Jake's Sunday was! The kids got him a rip stick and we had to try it out first thing. Jake picked it up pretty well, Ky tried a few times and the rest of just sat and laughed, too chicken to try!

After a gourmet breakfast, Jake got his nap and the kids and I headed to Grandma and Grandpas for a bit. Jake loves to take naps and hardly ever gets to take them, so one day a year, I guess I can let it slide! We came home to fix another meal - Rib eyes in the back yard! Until it started raining! Than the rib eyes got moved in doors, but they were still de- lish!
We love our dad and are so happy he is ours (not many others could stand him! he he just kidding) Thanks for being such a great dad and husband! We love you Jakey!

Friday, June 11, 2010

The equation:

water guns, water balloons, and water hose
pizza, lots of candy, popcorn, and soda
wII, play station, DS's and game boys
water paint and acyrillic paint
headbands, baretts, and necklaces
make overs, make-up, and make-n-takes


The answer


Monday, June 7, 2010

OKAY - I am peeing my pants! This is one of the funniest things I have ever seen!
I could never see myself driving a minivan,(way to low to the ground!!!) but I think this could very well persuade someone too!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Cole loves his bike. We have been talking about taking off the training wheels of Cole's bike for awhile but never did it. It has been VERY rainy here, instead of the beginning of June, it feels like the beginning of October. Rain, rain and more rain. Monday was Memorial Day and we didn't have a lot planned because of the rain. The kids were all out front playing and riding bikes. Jake took off Cole's training wheels and 3 tries later...
Way to go Coley! I have never seen his little legs go so fast! He is extremely proud of himself and will tell anyone who is within earshot! As I was watching my little man ride his bike, I started to tear up a bit. Surprise, I know! But since Cole has turned 4 in April (a month and half ago) he has had quite the milestones. All things that we had been prepping him for for sometime and were hoping, pleading, bribing him to do. He now dresses himself including socks and sometimes shoes, makes his bed, does his hair, wipes his cute little butt and now rides a two wheeler. While all these things have significantly eased my life, it has made me realize how quickly my little man is growing up. Which is two fold for me. I love having little kids - although exhausting at times, they still need you. They are dependant on you and you have control over their environment and influences. My older kids (and they aren't that old) are becoming less and less dependant on me. Some of you are rolling your eyes and thinking I have lost my mind. Well that is a given, however..... my influence on their environment is becoming less and less too and that scares me. The school now has more of their time than I do, someone else gets to be with them more than I do and is putting a lot of information into their heads. This all sounds silly and crazy but I am a worry wart and really good at making a mountain out of a mole hill. So while the milestones are fabulous, exciting and sometimes liberating, they always make me realize how fast my monkeys grow.
And you thought this was going to be about Cole riding a bike...........