Thursday, December 10, 2009

So it has been awhile since I have blogged .....uh ya think? The busy season is upon us and I can feel the anxiety creeping up my chest into my throat trying to choke me with stress. I try every year not to get myself in the same position I find myself in AGAIN this year. Too many cards to make, to many neighbor gifts to put together, the teacher gifts, the kids' friends gifts, gifts for my parents, gifts for Jake's parents.......... it never ends. I really really really was going to try to enjoy this time with my kids and try to have everything done. Yet here I am up until midnight every night making crap that no one really cares about anyway and "creating my own crisis" as my husband tells me. So it is December 10th and I have exactly 8 days to be finished with EVERYTHING because I AM going to enjoy Christmas break. I feel my children's childhood slipping through my hands and I just want to sit down and cry and make it all stop. So I guess I better stop blogging and get going....8 days and counting!

1 comment:

  1. cute background!! it is sooo true...we get all worked up for nothing...thanks for this reminded me to add the school teachers to my list! I had forgotten them! :D
