Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A hundred bucks - literally

Well she did it.  NO candy, NO soda for ONE YEAR!  Kate officially ended her sabbatical from soda and candy on August 1st and received a 100 dollar bills.  Much to my surprise she was strong as nails when it came to this challenge she inflicted upon herself. I agreed to the deal but I would never had thought to ask any of my children to do this. Candy and soda are a healthy staple in my daily diet!  100 dollars wouldn't even get me to quit for a week little alone a year. This little girl has got determination.  I, along with everyone else, offered her numerous times a week if she wanted a treat or a soda and every time, she would politely decline.  Never threw a fit, never gave me grief, and spent her free day wisely!  Wait to go Kate!!!

1 comment:

  1. she does have determination! I wouldn't stop drinking soda for a day for $100!! :) Glad it is over now when I offer her something she can have it! :)
