Saturday, January 29, 2011


A few months ago I was a mean mom (like that is a new one, -please) and took all of Kennedy's clothes out of her drawers and closet. As you recall she was changing her clothes 4 -5 times a day.  I took all of her dresses that were hanging down low and put them in my closet in the very back so she couldn't even see them. It worked for awhile. And than the 2 year old out smarted the mother.........
These (above) are all the clothes out of the hamper (below) that Kennedy dumped out, climbed on top of and  took one of Kate's dresses of the hanger and put it on.

Ok, how would she even think to do this?  How does that little devious mind come up with these plans?  Although the clothes changing has become less frequent, it is still happening. So now you will find Kennedy 2 ways; 1) with a dress and sandals on when she is at home or  2) with tear stained cheeks when we go somewhere because her mother made her put on tights/leggings and shoes (socks if there is gum involved). 
I can't wait for warm weather, my life will flow so much better.....

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